DATE OF BIRTH             January 24, 1946
PLACE OF BIRTH           Karak, Jordan
MARITAL STATUS          Married
WIFE'S NAME                 Maisoun Armouti
CHILDREN                      4
TAREK 1975
NOOR 1977


Hussein College, Amman -- Jordan
September 1960 -- June 1963

Alexandria Medical School, Alexandria University
September 1963 -- June 1969


M.B.B.Ch. (Second Honor Degree) June 1969
Diploma of General Surgery, October 1970

Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh May 1975


Rotating Internship, Alexandria University Hospital and Ministry
Of Health Hospitals, June 1969 -- June 1970

Resident in Neurosurgery, Alexandria University Hospital
Alexandria, July 1970 -- June 1971

Senior House Officer (Neurosurgery), North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary
Stoke-on-Trent, December 1971 -- January 1972

Senior House Officer (Neurosurgery), Leeds General Infirmary
Leeds, February 1972 -- July 1972

Registrar (Neurosurgery), Brook General Hospital
London, August 1972 -- July 1973

Senior House Officer (Accident and Emergency), Brook General Hospital
London, August 1973 -- April 1974

Senior House Officer (General Surgery), Leicester General Hospital
Leicester, May 1974 -- May 1975

Registrar (Neurosurgery), Atkinson Morley's Hospital
London, June 1975 -- April 1976

Senior Registrar and First Assistant (Neurosurgery) at:
Atkinson Morley's Hospital
St. George's Hospital Medical School
The Royal Dental Hospital
The Wolfson Medical Rehabilitation Center
London, April 1976 -- October 1977


Medal of Distinction, Alexandria University, 1965
Medal of Distinction, Alexandria University, 1967
Second Honor Degree, Alexandria University, 1969
Abel Wahid Wakeel Award for Distinction in Epidemiology and Preventive
Medicine, Alexandria University, 1969
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Star Decoration of the First Order, 2003


Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship, U.S.A., 1983


Congress of Neurological Surgeons of America (CNS)
Euro-Asian Chapter of IBRO (General Secretary)
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
Jordan Medical Association (JMA)
Jordan Surgical Society (JSS)
Jordanian Neurosciences Society (President 1993-1995)
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCSEd)
Society of British Neurosurgeons (SBNS)
Treasurer, Pan Arab Union of Neurosciences (1985-1992)
The Jordanian Society of Neurological Surgeons (President 2005-2007)


Professor of Neurosurgery Medical School, University of Jordan


Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical School, University of Jordan
1977 -- 1982

Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical School, University of Jordan
1982 -- 1987

Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical School, University of Jordan
1987 -- 2009

Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Medical School, University of Jordan
1981 -- 1982

Associate Professor of Anatomy, Medical School, University of Jordan
1982 – 1983

Chairman Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, University of Jordan

Chief, Section of Neurosurgery, Medical School, University of Jordan
1978 -- 2002

Chief of Staff, Jordan University Hospital
1982 – 1983 and 1989 - 1991

Chairman, Accident and Emergency Department, Jordan University Hospital,
1982 --1987

Chairman, Department of Special Surgery, Medical School, University of
Jordan and Jordan University Hospital
1983 -- 1987

Chairman, Graduate Department for Medical and Health Sciences,
Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jordan
1987 -- 1989

Director of Post Graduate Training in Neurosurgery, National Medical Institute
Amman, Jordan
1987 -- 1990

Vice Dean, School of Medicine, University of Jordan
1989 -- 1991

Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jordan
1991 -- 1994

Dean of Research, University of Jordan

Vice President, University of Jordan


President, University of Jordan
The 7th President

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Government of H.E. Ali Abu Ragheb
14.1.2002 -- 25.9.2002

Minister of Health
Government of H.E. Ali Abu Ragheb
26.9.2002 – 21.7.2003

Senator, Upper House of Jordanian Parliament
The 14th House
14.2.2008 - 20.5.2009

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Government of H.E. Nader Dahabi
23.02.2009 - 10.12.2009

Minister of Education
Government of H.E. Nader Dahabi
23.06.2009 - 10.12-2009

Minster of Higher Education and Scientific Research
First Government of H.E. Samir Rifai
14.12.2009 - 22.11.2010

Minster of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Second Government of H.E. Samir Rifai
24.11.2010 - 1.2.2011



Member, Board of Directors, Arab College (Community College), Amman
1976 -1988

Member, Board of Directors, University of Maan

Member, Examination Board in Neurosurgery, the Jordan Medical Council

Member, the Fulbright Commission

Member, Board of Trustees, The Higher Council for Science and technology
15.2.2002 -- 25-9.2002 and 23.2.2009 - Present

Member, Board of Trustees, the National Music Conservatory

Member, Board of Trustees, the National Center for the Performing Arts

General Secretary, Euro-Asian Commission of International Brain Research Organization

Member, the Governing Council of the International Brain Research Organization

Chairman, Selection Committee, the Jordanian Canadian Scholarship Program

Member, the Jordanian Board of Eisenhower Exchange Program

Chairman, the Jordanian Canadian Scholarship Program
2006 - 2007

Member, the Board of Directors, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Business School
2007 - 2009

Chairman, The national Committee of the UNESCO

Chairman of the Scientific Research Fund
23.2.2009 – 1.2.2011


Member, Council of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan
1979-1980, 1983-1987, 1989-1991

Member, Council of the Faculty of Nursing, University of Jordan

Member, Council of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jordan

Member, University of Jordan Council

Member, Council of Deans, University of Jordan

Chairman, Council of Faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jordan

Chairman, the Council for Higher Education
15.1.2002 - 25.9.2002
23.2.2009 – Present

Chairman of the Education Council
June – Dec. 2009

The National Council for Population

The National Task force on Narcotics


Member, Editorial Board, Dirasaat, the Scientific Journal of The
University of Jordan,

Editor in Chief, Chairman of Editorial Board, Dirasat,
The Scientific Journal of the University of Jordan
1994 - 1994

Member, Editorial Board, Basrah Journal of Surgery
1994 - Present

Member, Editorial Board, Al-Qods Annals of Medicine
2006 -- Present


Member, Staff and Students Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan
1979-1980, 1983-1984

Member, Post Graduate Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan

Member, Academic Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan

Member, Appointment and Promotion Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan

Member, Curriculum and Examinations Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan

Chairman, Committee for Scientific Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan

Member, Academic and Professional Committee, Jordan University Hospital

Member, Administrative Committee, Jordan University Hospital
1982-1987 and 1989-1991

Chairman, Internship Committee, Jordan University Hospital

Member, the University of Jordan Curriculum Committee

Member, the University of Jordan Committee for Students' Affairs

Chairman, the University of Jordan Research Committee

Member, Staff Second Appeals Council, University of Jordan

Member, Staff Appointment and Promotion Committee, University of Jordan

Chairman, Staff Appointment and Promotion Committee, University of Jordan

Member, Committee of the Deans' Council, University of Jordan

Chairman, Committee of the Deans' Council, University of Jordan

Chairman, the University of Jordan Committee for Students' Affairs

Chairman, Central Traders Committee of the University of Jordan

Chairman, Appointment Committee of the University of Jordan

Chairman, Staff Second Appeals Council of the University of Jordan

Chairman, Buildings Committee of the University of Jordan

Chairman, the Committee for Unified Admission Office for Public Universities


Attended the Conference on Traumatology of the Central Nervous System
Cairo-Egypt 1978

Attended the Pan Arab Course on Neurosurgery
Cairo-Egypt 1978

Presented “Road Traffic Accidents" at the 18th Pan Arab Medical Conference
Tunisia 1979

Presented "Patterns of Craniocerebral Injuries" at the 1st Jordanian Medical conference
Amman 1979

Attended the WHO workshop on Medical Education
Amman 1980

Presented "Spinal Injuries in Jordan" at the 2nd Jordanian Medical Conference
Amman 1980

Presented "Lumbar Canal Stenosis" at the 3rd Jordanian Medical Conference
Amman 1981

Presented "Intracranial Abscesses" at the Jordanian Surgical Society Day
Amman 1983

Organized and coordinated the 1st. Scientific Day of the Jordanian Neurosciences
Society and talked about "Diagnosis of Low Back Pain" 1983

Attended the Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgery
Chicago, U.S.A. 1983

Vice President of the 3rd Pan Arab Neurosciences Conference
Amman 1984

Presented "Albucasis and Neurosurgery" 3rd Pan Arab Neurosciences Conference
Amman 1984

Organized and Chaired the Combined pan Arab Course in Neurosurgery
Amman 1984

Presented "Road Traffic Accidents" Jordanian Conference on Accidents
Amman 1984

Attended the workshop on "Construction of Questions"
Amman 1984

Attended the workshop on "Curriculum Development"
Amman 1985

Attended the International Brain Research Organization Meeting
Oxford, United Kingdom 1985

Attended the International Conference on Dyslexia
Venice, Italy 1985

Presented "Factor IIIV R: Ag..." at the Scientific day of the Faculty of Medicine
Amman 1987

Presented "Physiology of Hydrocephalus" at the 1st Jordan University Neurosurgical
Conference on Hydrocephalus, Amman 1992

Attended the 5th Pan Arab Neurosciences Conference
Amman 1992

Presented "Enterogenous cysts of the spinal cord"
Combined Jordanian and Arab American Conference
Amman 1993

Attended "The First International Conference on Non-Invasive Neurosurgery"
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1993

Attended "The Mediterranean Conference on Research and Education"
Patras, Greece, 1994

Attended "Mediterranean Cooperative Initiatives"
Nicosia, Cyprus, 1994

Attended, "Round Table Conference to Establish the Euro-Asian Commission of IBRO"
Izmir, Turkey, 1994

Presented "The Neuro-enteric Canal Revisited"
The 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery
Berlin, Germany, 1995

Lectured “The Management of Hydrocephalus in Premature Infants”
The 8th Pan Arab European Course of Neurosurgery
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1995

Attended the XII Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic And
Functional Neurosurgery
Milan, Italy, 1996

Attended the First International Conference on Palliative Cancer care
Limassol, Cyprus, 1996

Attended the 3rd. International Congress of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
Paris, France, 1997

Attended the 11th International Congress of Neurological Surgery
Amsterdam, Holland, 1997

Lectured “The Management of Cranio-cerebral Injuries Associated With Multiple Trauma”
The First Omani Neurosurgical Meeting
Muscat, Oman, 1998

Attended the 12th International Congress of Neurological Surgery
Sydney, Australia, 2001

Attended the 1st meeting of the Society of the Medical Schools in the Arab World
Amman, Jordan 2004

Attended the combined meeting of the Egyptian Neurosurgical Society and the WFNS
Alexandria, Egypt 2004

Attended the second Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society
Amman, Jordan 2004

Presented, Current Status of Scientific Research in the Region
2nd Regional Conference on Medical Journal Publishing in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2004

Attended the Meeting of the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons
Marrakech, Morocco 2005

Attended the Eisenhower Fellowship Regional Conference
Istanbul, Turkey 2006

Attended, Workshop in Neuronavigation
Munich, Germany 2006

Attended, Workshop in Neuronavigation
Munich, Germany 2007

Attended, Workshop in Neuronavigation
Marbella, Spain 2007

Organized the First Mediterranean Conference on Non-invasive Neurosurgery
Dead Sea, Jordan 2008


Presented, Jordanian Higher Education Strategy, The Higher Education Forum,
For Middle East and North Africa, 18.5.2002, Paris France

Presented, Vision for Higher Education in Jordan,
In Human Power Development Conference, 12.9.2002, Amman, Jordan

Formulated the Executive Plan for Reform of Higher Education In Jordan
May 2009

Presented the Empowerment of Jordanians through Human Power Development to
The Government and to HM the King 14.2.2009

Introduced The Laws of Higher Education and Jordanian Universities to Parliament
Sept 2009

Amended the Laws of Higher Education and Jordanian Universities
August 2010

Proposed the Law of the Jordanian Academy for Technical Education
Oct 2010



1) Almaani,W. and Richardson,A.: Multiple Intracranial Aneurysms:
Identifying The Ruptured Lesion
Surgical Neurology, Vol. 9 No. 5, 303-305,1978

2) Almaani,W. and Sobieh,I.: Patterns of Craniocerebral Injuries in Jordan
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol. 14 No. 1, 25-34, 1980

3) Ajlouni,K., Abu Al Afia,S. and Almaani,W.: Management of Diabetes Insipidus
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 14 No. 1, 55-62, 1980

4) Almaani,W.: Choroidal Cyst of the Left Lateral Ventricle
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 14 No. 2, 177-180, 1980

5) Almaani,W. and Huneidi,A.: Spinal injuries in Jordan
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 15 No 1, 53-63, 1981

6) Almaani,W. and Awidi,A.: Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage in Bleeding Diathesis
Surgical Neurology, 17:137-140, 1982

7) Almaani,W.: Spinal Canal Stenosis
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 16 No 1, 63-69, 1982

8) Karmi,M.,Almaani,W. and Khammash,H.: Cranial and Spinal Dysraphysm
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 17 No 2, 197-204, 1983

9) Richard Winn,H., Almaani,W., Berga,S., Jane,J. and Richardson,Alan: The
Long-term Outcome in Incidence of Late Hemorrhage and Implications for
Treatment of Incidental Aneurysms
Journal of Neurosurgery, 59:642-651, 1983

10) Almaani,W., Karmi,M., Khammash,H. and Khoury-Bulos,N.: intracranial Abscesses
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 19 No 1, 41-50. 1985

11) Muhailan,M., Almaani,W., and Karmi,M.: Computerized Tomography of Urinary Stones
Dirasaat, Vol 12 No 10, 155-161, 1985

12) Amr,S., Almaani,W., Tarawneh,M., Karmi,M.: Pathology of Brain Tumors in Jordan
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 20 No 1, 1986

13) Almaani,W., Shanableh,A., Zeyadeh,J. and Abdul Rahim, H.: An Analysis of
The Emergency Services in a Teaching Hospital in a Developing Country
Jordan Medical Journal, Vol 21 No 2, 1986

14) Almaani,W., Awidi,A.: Spontaneous intracranial Hemorrhage in
von Willebrand's Disease
Surgical Neurology, 26:457-160,1986

15) Almaani,W.: Depressed Skull Fractures in Children: An Analysis of 100 Cases
Dirasaat, Vol 13 No 11, 11-14, 1986

16) Almaani,W., Awidi,A. and Karmi,M.: Factor VIII R:Ag as a Prognostic
Parameter in Intracranial Hemorrhage
Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 50:214-217, 1987

17) Faleh, A., Kamal,F.,Almaani, W.,Tarawneh,M.,Tamimi,S. and Abu El Rob,M.:
Brain Tumors in Jordanians
Abstracts, X International Congress of Neurosurgrey, Acapulco, Mexico,
October 17-22 1993,pp 203

18) Ameen, A., Almaani, W.: The Jordanian Experience In Craniocerebral Injuries Due
to Road Traffic Accidents
Accepted, International Journal of Orthopoedics and Neurosurgery,1994.

19) Ameen, A., Almaani, W.: Traumatic Extradural versus Subdural Hematomas
in Jordanian Adults
Dirasaat, Vol.22 No 1, 153-156, 1995

20) Faleh, A., Khatib, M., Almaani, W.: LDH activity in non-tumourous hydrocephalus
Abstracts, the 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Berlin, Germany,1995.

21) A. Faleh; S. Tamimi; W. Almaani; F. Kamal; M. Tarawnih.: Tumores cerebrales: análisis de 302 casos, Neurocirugia, Vol 6, No 4:311-314, 1995

22) Almaani, W.: The neuro-enteric Canal Revisited.
Abstracts, the 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Berlin, Germany,1995.

23) Musharbash, A., Abu El-Rob, M., Tamimi,A., Almaani, W., Hamdan,S., Kanaan, T.: Hydrocephalus and Myelomeningocoele: Clinical Analysis
JMJ, Vol 37(2), 157-160, 2003

24) Hadidi, A., Maani, W., Musharbash, A. and Nadi, M.:The correlation Between Radiological (MRI FINDINGS) and pathological appearance of
intra cranial meningiomas JMJ, 2008

25) Awni Musharbash, Qusai Saleh, Mohammed Abo-Elrub, Walid Maani: Management of lumbar far lateral disc herniatioN. Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol.13, N0.1: 86-95,.2009

26) Azmy M. Hadidy, Mustafa M. Nadi, Tahani M. Ahmad, HSRad, Maysa A. Al-Hussaini,
Abdelkarim A. Al-Abaddi, Awni F. Musharbash, Walid S. Maani: Descriptive epidemiological analysis, MRI signals intensity\ and histopathological correlations of meningiomas. Neurosciences Vol. 15 (1) 13-14, 2010;


1) Malkawi,H., Almaani,W. and Takrouri,M.: Principles of First Aid,
Ammar Publishing, Amman, 1984,300 pp. (Arabic)

2) Almaani, W.: Abstracts of Ph.D and M.A. thesis, University of Jordan, 1994

3) Almaani, W.: Abstracts of Ph.D and M.A. Thesis part 11 second semester, University of Jordan, 1994

4) Almaani, W. and others: Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery,
The Jordanian Arabic Language Council, Amman, 1997,544-575. (Arabic Translation)

5) Maani W.S.: Medical achievements in the 20th.century, A chapter in the book " 20th.Century Harvest", The Shoman Foundation and the Arab Institute for Publication and studies, third vol. 3:417-484

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