Could not sleep last night, it was too hot. The AC felt uncomfortable, I do not like it even. Opened the windows wide and left the balcony door open to no avail. Then a blessed breeze at 5 AM and I dozed off. At 7 AM I thought there was a battle near us, sounds pounded in my head. A Jack Hammer and a massive Drilling machine in too different locations, pounding at different notes.On a Friday morning??. The jack hammer was 30 meters away from my bed room. The drilling tool a 100. What could you do?? Complain to the Ministry of Environment about the noise pollution? or to the Municipality of Amman for working on a public holiday? or go to the police? Then is it my personal problem? or a public interest problem? Why can't somebody whose this action which occurs every Friday and at night, or the music blasting at 2 AM, fall under his authority take some action. Why can't somebody come and tell the construction Engineer to stop drilling and go home and let people rest on a Friday. #JO #JoReform #Iamreallylivid #FB
This Blog deals with issues related to Education, Higher Education, Health and thoughts which may be of common interest
Could not sleep last night, it was too hot. The AC felt uncomfortable, I do not like it even. Opened the windows wide and left the balcony door open to no avail. Then a blessed breeze at 5 AM and I dozed off. At 7 AM I thought there was a battle near us, sounds pounded in my head. A Jack Hammer and a massive Drilling machine in too different locations, pounding at different notes.On a Friday morning??. The jack hammer was 30 meters away from my bed room. The drilling tool a 100. What could you do?? Complain to the Ministry of Environment about the noise pollution? or to the Municipality of Amman for working on a public holiday? or go to the police? Then is it my personal problem? or a public interest problem? Why can't somebody whose this action which occurs every Friday and at night, or the music blasting at 2 AM, fall under his authority take some action. Why can't somebody come and tell the construction Engineer to stop drilling and go home and let people rest on a Friday. #JO #JoReform #Iamreallylivid #FB
It seems that cut and paste "scientific research" by graduate students is gaining ground, to the extent its being talked about in the media and official circles. It is the duty of the supervisor to make sure that this "research" is the work of the student and not a shop at a street corner with a sign saying "ready made research". The supervisor is the person who follows the birth of the thesis, word by word and paragraph by paragraph, and to allow the student to submit a thesis not of his writing, knowingly or otherwise, is sharing in the act. Action of this nature should be punishable. The punishment should include the one who bought, the one who sold and the one who knew and kept silent.
The teacher should be a holistic being, a person who has undergone an exhaustive process of preparation, passed through a standardized process of licensing and certification. At the end a person who is applying the most up to date means in instruction, and aware of all changing trends in education so that he can pass them to his students.
Why do students like to be taught by a certain teacher and wish if he or she could teach the other subjects? Why students can not wait for that teacher's class to start rather than wait for the bell to ring? I think the answer at the end, is in addition to all the personal traits which are needed for such a person, is the belief that this teacher demonstrated to the students that he could change their minds and their way of thinking to the better. The belief, that the student left the class a better person with added value.
برامج الإقامة
تعاني بعض القطاعات الصحية الأردنية من نقص حاد في الكوادر الطبية المؤهلة تأهيلا عاليا، وهذا اوضح مايكون في مستشفيات وزارة الصحة نظرا لإستنكاف الكثيرين نظرا لتدني الرواتب. أن الكثيرين من الملتحقين ببرامج الإقامة يرفضون التقدم لإمتحان المجلس الطبي الأردني لعلمهم بعدم قدرتهم على اجتيازها، ويفضل هذا البعض البقاء موظفا تحت مسمى المقيم المؤهل. أن محاولة حل المشكلة بزيادة عدد الملتحقين ببرامج الإقامة عن طريق تخفيض معدل القبول فيها قد يؤدي لإلتحاق أعداد اكبر ولكن من أي مستوى؟ هل الهدف تعبئة الشواغر أم رفع مستوى الخدمة الطبية؟ ولابد أن تعاني كليات الطب الجديدة - والتي ستقوم- من نقص في الأساتذة ستحاول حله مؤقتا على حساب الكليات القائمة، فمن اين ستتدبر هذة الكوادر؟
النشر الإلكتروني
تقوم الدول بسن قوانين تمنع المتصفح المجهول الهوية للمواقع الإلكترونية من كتابة أي تعليق يثير النعرات او يشهر بالأشخاص او يتطفل على ملكية غيره الفكرية، لا ادري لماذا نعارض مثل هذا الأمر في الأردن؟
قبول الخريجيين في كليات التمريض
إن زيادة عدد المقبولات من (الإناث) في كليات التمريض سيؤدي االى توفير ممرضات لتغطية الطلب الداخلي والخارجي عليهن ويعوض النقص الخاصل في كوادرهن. يجب التفكير بتحديد المقبولين من (الذكور) في هذا التخصص لأنه تخصص مشبع ويعاني هؤلاء الخريجون من بطالة شديدة.
This a trial issue. The aim is to create a platform for discussion related to issues pertaining to human power development both in general and higher education. It also opens a medium for health issues' discussions especially those related to financing health.
This a trial issue. The aim is to create a platform for discussion related to issues pertaining to human power development both in general and higher education. It also opens a medium for health issues' discussions especially those related to financing health.
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